Mill hill 021

Religious Studies


The Religious Studies Department seeks to promote an enquiring approach to the study of ultimate questions and religious practice that is designed not only to challenge students' assumptions but also to facilitate opportunities to reflect on complex issues both creatively and analytically.

The Key Stage 3 course introduces students to the depth and diversity of religion and to the theological and philosophical questions that underpin it. At Key Stage 3, students study introductions to major world faiths, the nature of truth, the existence of God, what it means to be human, life after death, rites of passage and a comparison between Abrahamic and Eastern Religions. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to analyse their own and others' views about ultimate questions as well as the personal importance of religion to the believer.

At Key Stage 4, students will study a compulsory GCSE in Religious Studies where they will explore religious and non-religious responses to issues such as war, the death penalty and the existence of God amongst others. Through this, it is hoped that they will develop informed views of the world around them, be reflective thinkers and be well-prepared for life in a multi-cultural society.

In the Sixth Form, students may choose to study Philosophy & Ethics at AS and A2 which is a rigorous course exploring the theological and moral issues that surround the purpose and nature of human life.

The Department benefits hugely from the diverse range of beliefs of our students at every level and actively welcomes students from all backgrounds. We believe students benefit from a deeper understanding of a range of religious and other perspectives. Parents have a right to request to withdraw their child from Religious Education. If you have queries, please contact the school for an initial discussion.