
Dance & Drama

There are a wide range of extra-curricular Dance and Drama opportunities that all students can participate in, including lunchtime and afterschool company rehearsals and company classes, also we produce a major performance event every term, under the headings of the Autumn Drama and Dance Showcase, Annual School Musical Production and a Dance Show.

Please click here to view our extracurricular timetable.

School Production

There is a full scale musical production each Spring Term involving large numbers of students in acting, singing, dancing, lighting, the orchestra and various behind scenes activities. These productions have varied from Anything Goes (2012), Hairspray (2013), Schools Will Rock You (2014), Les Miserables (2015), Beauty and the Beast (2016) and The Wiz (2017). The highest standards have always been expected and achieved with the musical and they have been met with critical acclaim.

Autumn Drama and Dance Showcase

In the autumn term students’ work towards an annual Drama and Dance Showcase, which encompasses work from a range of students across all year groups. This work includes devised and scripted performances as well as choreographed pieces put together by both staff and students. We have also included work generated from participation in The Shakespeare for Schools Festival as well as the National Theatre Connections Project. The show is an excellent opportunity to showcase what they have been working on in the autumn term as well as develop their performance skills and meet new friends.

Summer Dance Show

In the summer term students’ work towards an annual Dance show, which encompasses work from a range of students across all year groups. This work includes choreographed performances created by both staff and students. The show includes a variety of performances ranging from year 7 advanced dance to year 13 performance pieces and choreography. The show is an excellent end to the year and a celebration of the students’ hard work, determination and creativity.

Workshops and Trips

There are many exciting opportunities to get involved with workshops and trips in the Dance and Drama department. A few of the events that have been offered to students this year include: a Boys Dance workshop with a male professional dancer, all day workshops lead by a dancer from Northern School of Contemporary Dance Conservatoire, offered to KS3, KS4 and KS5 students, a trip to see Alvin Ailey at Sadler’s Wells, Performance opportunities with Barnet Dance Festival and Shakespeare for Schools Festival. The Dance and Drama department ensure the extra-curriculum is as rich as the school curriculum. Look out for future workshops and trips with the Dance and Drama department.

Dance and Drama Extracurricular Classes

The Dance and Drama Department offers a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities throughout the year, including Year 7, 8 and 9 Advanced Dance Clubs, Performance Company Class, Boys Dance Club, Street Dance, Contemporary Dance Club and Drama Club. We have also participated in the Shakespeare for Schools Festival, National Theatre Connections Project and Barnet Dance Festival. In addition we produce a major performance event every term, under the headings of the Autumn Drama and Dance Showcase, Annual School Musical Production and a Dance Show.

Duke of Edinburgh

Mill Hill County High School offers the D of E award to students at Bronze and Silver level. At these levels there are four areas which need to be fulfilled. They are:-

Volunteering (formally known as Service)

Includes undertaking a service to either individuals or the community. It cannot be for a business or a family member but can be for a charity or not-for-profit organisation. Some examples are raising money for charity, helping in an after school club for disabled, working in a charity shop or being an active member of a youth council.


Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activity. Examples are:- Playing football for a local team such as Truro City Juniors or Truro Rugby Club Juniors, joining a sports club for athletics, if already a member of a karate club improving and gaining the next belt.


This means the development of practical and social skills or other personal interests. For example taking music lessons and gaining a grade or gaining a higher grade.


At Bronze level it requires attendees to plan, train for and complete a 2 day 1 night expedition. At Silver level; it requires attendees to plan, train for and complete a 3 day 2 night expedition. Mill Hill County High School has undertaken Bronze expeditions in Buckinghamshire and East Sussex. Silver expeditions have included Gloucestershire, Coventry and Dorset. In addition we also run a Year 9 Camp to Hertfordshire, which gives students an opportunity to experience camping and navigation before signing up for the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Gold Award

There is also the opportunity for students to be supported by MHCHS during the Gold Award. For this level students would need to complete 5 sections: plan, train for and complete a 4 days and 3 nights expedition, volunteering, skills, physical and a residential placement. The additional Residential section involves students spending five days and four nights taking part in a shared, worthwhile activity with people they have never met. A DofE residential will boost their independence and confidence while helping others.

Guiding Principle

The guiding principle of the D of E Award is that attendees should strive to complete the Award through personal development and the assessment of activities.

  1. Achievable by all – the D of E award is achievable by any young person who chooses to take up the challenge. This is regardless of ability, gender, background or location.
  2. Voluntary – While D of E programmes are offered in school it is all undertaken as an extra-curricular activity. Young people who choose to undertake a D of E programme do so in their own time.
  3. Personal Development – the D of E programme inspires personal, social, leadership, teamwork and organisational skills.
  4. Personalised – Young people design their own programme which can be tailored to suit their personal circumstance. They can take as long as they wish (within the age limits)
  5. Balanced – The aim is to ensure that participants experience development of the whole person, mind, body and soul.
  6. Progressive – at each level of engagement the D of E programme requires more time and commitment and responsibility from the participant.
  7. Achievement focussed – Young people are encouraged to set their own challenging goals.
  8. Commitment – The D of E programme requires persistence and commitment and cannot be completed with just a short burst of enthusiasm. Often MHCHS students continue with some activities even after they have left school.
  9. Enjoyable - the young people are encourage to enjoy the activities they undertake

More information regarding DofE can be found on: https://www.dofe.org/

Bronze Award Enrolment

Click here for further information.


The Music department has a long and proud history of extra-curricular activities. Individual lessons are available on a wide range of instruments including voice; these lessons are taught by our highly experienced team of specialist visiting teachers. These teachers support their students in taking grade exams where appropriate and there is a consistently high level of success. Information and an application form for individual lessons are found here.

There is also an extensive programme of formal and informal musical opportunities including senior and junior level string ensembles and concert bands, a Big Band and three choirs. Teachers also facilitate time for students to rehearse informally in pop/rock bands and classical chamber ensembles. Sign-up forms for the Autumn term 2024 can be found here.

We have three big concerts a year comprising performances from our teacher-led ensembles, smaller student-run ensembles and soloists. We also have an annual collaboration with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra focusing on side-by-side composition and performance opportunities, and a full scale musical in conjunction with the Dance and Drama department. We also run an annual Music tour to a European destination where we perform three concerts. Our 2024 musical was Chicago Teen Edition and our 2024 tour was to Belgium. Our 2025 tour will be to Salzburg in Austria.

Music at MHCHS endeavours to have something for everyone; please get in touch with the Music department if there is a club or ensemble you would like us to run!

Physical Education

There is a high emphasis placed on extra-curricular activity in the PE department and we offer an extensive range of opportunities for students of all levels and interests. As a school we enter teams into competitions we feel that will suitably challenge them, whilst also offering an opportunity to potentially achieve success. Typically students will have an opportunity to represent the school in the London borough of Barnet competitions, Middlesex county competitions and also National competitions.

We offer a range of clubs throughout the week and these clubs are offered either before school starting at 7:30, after school starting at 3:45 or during lunch time. During the last academic year clubs were offered in the following sports and activities; athletics, badminton, basketball, climbing, cricket, football, gymnastics, handball, netball, rounders, rugby, table tennis, tennis and trampolining. In many of these sports students were selected to represent the school to compete in one of the many competitive opportunities offered to students. Please see below for our current extra-curricluar offer.

“I love taking part in sport at Mill Hill County High School, the challenges it presents me inspire me to perform to the best of my ability. I’ve been privileged to be captain of the netball team this year and that has increased my confidence and desire to win. “

E Ilemobola

“From the moment I lace up my boots in football, pad up in cricket, put my gum shield in for rugby or pick up my tennis racket, all my worries and troubles disappear. These feelings are replaced with those of happiness and pride at representing my school to the best of my ability. “

J Penny

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Sixth Form